
¿En qué puede ayudarte la quiropráctica?
La razón de ser del equipo quiropráctico ABORA es optimizar tu calidad de vida a través del cuidado especializado de tu columna vertebral, devolviendo al sistema nervioso su normal funcionamiento y su equilibrio. Mediante el ajuste quiropráctico corregimos las desviaciones de tu columna y así ayudamos a que tu cerebro funcione mejor. A que tu cuerpo recupere su capacidad innata de autosanación.
From the results of these tests, we will develop your individualized treatment plan. In the first session we already proceed to perform the first chiropractic adjustment to make you feel better.

Direct to the cause of pain
More than 25 million people visit the practice of a chiropractor each year, which shows the good results of natural treatments of this specialty, as safe as effective.
The Chiropractic takes care of the spine, focusing on optimizing neurological function, correcting the displacement of the vertebrae or subluxations and promoting the elimination of interference in the nervous system.
The result is the elimination or attenuation of pain and the improvement of health status and quality of life.
¿En qué consistirá tu primera visita de Quiropráctica?

In-Depth Clinical Interview
It will allow us to know the origin of your ailment.

Physical examination
We will perform neuro-orthopedic tests, postural studies and kinesiological tests.
Why do you usually go to a chiropractic consultation?
Herniated discs
Lower back pain
Scoliosis and deviations
Back pain
Cervical pain
Migraines and headaches
In a smaller percentage: Organic disorders such as allergies, otitis, asthma, digestive, respiratory or gynecological disorders.