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Knowing how to switch off without taking your online work with you on holiday

When we hear the word "holiday" we most probably immediately think of "rest", but do we really switch off? Are we able to?

If statistics are anything to go by, it would seem not: around 70% of workers said in a  Cigna  study that, once out of working hours, they were unable to leave work behind. In part, this is due to the fact that we have greater facilities to stay connected all the time, something that has been on the rise as a result of teleworking. This does not mean that only people who are teleworking suffer from this situation, as it is enough to have a mobile phone through which they can communicate with us to discuss work issues.

The importance of a real break

It is generally agreed that our holidays should be a time to forget about work and relax. However, there is no specific number of days that are "just right", as the key is not "how much" but the quality. Consequently, it can happen that, despite having had a month's holiday, we have not been able to disconnect... or the opposite, and with two or three days we have already had a good rest.

For some people, therefore, switching off is not an easy task and is logical, as their body has accepted stress in such a way that it produces high levels of certain hormones such as adrenaline or cortisol, keeping them constantly alert and active. The problem comes when you get out of this sort of "comfort zone", when the levels need to come down because it is time to stop and rest. On top of this, as mentioned above, being constantly plugged in is not a great help.  

Socially, stress is more than normalised and worry is acceptable, so having time off destabilise us. Of course, how we are is also an influent fact, as well as our own self-demand or the fears that may arise from not knowing what we will find when we return. 

Although we have become accustomed to making stress a normal part of our daily lives, there is a limit to how much our energy can be diminished, making us both physically and emotionally tired. This can even lead to a weakening of our immune system, making us more likely to become ill.  

Holidays should be used to regain balance and are key to overcoming or avoiding emotional upsets. So, what happens when we reach our limit and, despite having days off, we are unable to switch off?  

When stress is prolonged continuously, we can suffer from insomnia or changes in our mood to the point of developing depression or anxiety and, of course, the well-known burnout syndrome. It can also increase our blood sugar and we can suffer from exhaustion, headaches, hypertension, muscle pain or cardiovascular problems. Finally, there are other physical consequences such as loss or increase of appetite with its consequent changes in weight, as well as others related to our environment such as, for example, people around us feeling left out and may perceive that they are not given enough value or attention. 

That is why getting some rest (but "real" rest) is so important. It is necessary for the break to be effective, even if we do not have a definite plan or if we have to stay at home. We have to break with the routine so that when we return, we can continue doing our professional activity just as well and, to do this, we can try to follow some tips.  

How to switch off from work on holiday?

First of all, whether you go abroad or stay at home: it does not matter. The place is the least important thing, although it may seem otherwise.

The important thing is to break that routine, as we have already mentioned, and with the following tips we hope to help you enjoy and rest as you deserve:

    1. Get everything ready before going on holiday

To have more peace of mind, you can finish your tasks a few days before going on holiday. Sometimes you cannot get everything done, but, if possible, leave the most important ones finished or, at least, those that could prevent you from switching off.  

    2. Don't be afraid to delegate

If you have a task that requires continuous attention and you have colleagues who can take care of it, delegate it! This way, the work will not stand still and there will be someone to keep an eye on so that you do not have to.  

    3. Reorganise your house

Have you been teleworking or have you been taking work home? Then it is best to put away anything that might remind you of your work tasks. If you have a dedicated room, such as an office, it is time to close the door. 

The main idea is to make you feel that something has changed or that you are somewhere else in order to escape from the hectic routine. 

    4. Plan outings

You do not have to take a boat, a plane or go far away... you can go out in your city, town or somewhere else nearby. With the speed of everyday life, we do not usually have time to enjoy and take it easy and sometimes we do not see what is around us. Also, there are some activities we cannot do while we are working.

Planning a day trip, taking your food with you or buying it outside, is a perfectly valid option. Going to the beach, the mountains, going for a walk... are other activities that, although they may seem simple, can help us to switch off.  

    5. Shift the focus

Do not dwell on what your ideal holiday should be, because certain expectations only end up generating dismay. Going to an island paradise may be the dream holiday image we have in mind, but maybe we cannot go: thinking about what we will not be able to do will only cause us distress.   

The important thing is to do those activities that you find enjoyable, but without putting them as an obligation that will end up causing you more stress. Put aside self-demanding and set strict schedules.

    6. Set limits on your networks

Email, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Facebook or any other social network... avoid all those tools that you use during your work and look for alternatives. 

You may also use some of them to stay in touch with people in your personal sphere, for example WhatsApp. In this case, you can mute everything that has to do with your work or archive it.

Do not forget to let your contacts know that you are starting your vacation, so they will not send you too many messages. In fact, you can let them know when you are coming back.

You can also try to give priority to activities that do not require contact with the digital world and take advantage of the leisure activities offered at different times of the year.

If you have the possibility, choose a holiday destination that does not have much coverage and, if it has, you can turn off your device so that this holiday will serve as a spiritual retreat.

We wish you a good holiday! 

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