Now that the holidays are coming, it is time to rest both body and mind to return to the routine with the same energy or more, but that does not mean that we have to neglect ourselves.
Although it seems illogical, for many people it is usual to change their habits on vacation and fall into excesses, even having spent the whole year practicing sports and eating healthy. However, this also happens in people who lead a completely different lifestyle.
To enjoy holidays more than ever, we should ideally maintain good habits or start incorporating them into our life by taking advantage of the rest period. This time should not be synonymous with excess food and drink.
In this way, we offer you some tips you can follow to focus your vacation in a way that will be as beneficial as possible:
1. Beware of "all-inclusive" models of buffets
These systems are usually characterised by allowing you to eat as much as you want without making an additional payment. Although they are very popular, it is normal that we may cross the line, making us put our health at risk.
However, in the case of the "all-inclusive" mode, it is possible to take advantage of it if we consider what we should eat. Consequently, we can choose to eat breakfast cereals, fruits and yogurt, for example. In the same way, for lunch and dinner we can choose some fish and vegetables.
In general, we should avoid eating more food than we should for the simple fact that it does not involve an additional cost. It is essential to remember what our energy expenditure is, which may be lower on holiday.
2. Do not stop exercising
Whether you already have an exercise routine or not, do not neglect your physical activity while on vacation. What is more, you have the chance to practice sports that in your day to day you cannot do or that are not available at home, but they are at the destination. The beach or the mountains are ideal places where you can also be in touch with nature. Enjoying it is not at odds with maintaining your weight or your usual silhouette.
To do exercise does not stop being positive and will make it easier to come back. By not having to go to work, you can use the time you have left to practice in the early hours of the day. If throughout the year you have carried your routine, you could adapt it to be less intense during your vacation and, in this way, avoid neglecting it.
3. Hidratate yourself
With the heat, our body loses more water, so it is essential to hydrate, especially when you are doing some type of exercise, even if it is minimal (take a walk, swim...).
You can always take a bottle of water with you in your bag or backpack and eat fruits to avoid dehydration.
On the other hand, the beverages we drink also count, not just the food we eat. Remember that soft drinks, unnatural smoothies or alcoholic beverages are not an option to stay hydrated, nor are they the healthiest. In this sense, to freshen up you can opt for a cold infusion.
4. Spend time with yourself
Take your time to be with yourself, quietly. You can do some activity in the meantime: sunbathing, walking, swimming... feel your body and your mind.
5. Switch off screens
Try to keep out of screens as much as you can, whether it is your mobile, tablet, computer or any other.
Take advantage of this free time and look for a good book, meditate, do hobbies, draw or paint...
6. Rest
If taking care of our food and doing sports is essential, resting is also important. We must not forget that a restful sleep of 7 or 8 hours helps your body and mind to stay active during the day.
Do not look for a holiday in which you always spend nights: try to get the rest that your body needs, you can even take a nap if you need it.
Besides, interspersed physical activity with other quieter activities such as reading, listening to music or learning to play an instrument will help us to get away from the problems we usually deal with.
Finally, you do not need to get obsessed with exercise on holiday: take a walk, discover the place you are going to, swim on the beach, make an excursion to the mountains... these are not very intense activities, but with beneficial effects.
So, even on holiday you should be very aware of what you are going to eat, what activity you are going to do and try not to radically change your habits or your routine. It is simply a matter of not exceeding and of rationalising, of resting, but without mistreating your mind and your body.
At Abora we know that proper nutrition is not just about dieting, but about having eating habits that lead to a healthy lifestyle. Do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you.